Coffee Table Or Ottoman: What Is The Better Choice In 2024?

Coffee tables and ottoman tables are two of the most popular types of tables used in living spaces. They both serve similar functions, but there are some key differences between the two that can affect your decision on which one to choose for your home. Whether you’re looking for a stylish centerpiece for your living room or a functional piece of furniture to hold your drinks and snacks, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.

So what will it be?
Coffee Table or Ottoman? Let’s get into it!

Comparison: Coffee Table vs. Ottoman

Comparison between a Coffee table and an Ottoman

When it comes to choosing a centerpiece for your living room, two of the most popular options are coffee tables and ottoman tables. Coffee tables are a traditional choice that provide a convenient surface for placing drinks and other items.

Ottoman tables, on the other hand, offer a more versatile option that can be used as both a table and a footrest. Ultimately, the choice between these two options will depend on your personal style and the specific needs of your living room.

Aesthetic Differences

When choosing a coffee table or ottoman table, aesthetic differences are crucial. Your personal style and the space’s overall ambiance will guide you to find which option is more appealing.

Styles and Design

Coffee tables are a classic piece of furniture that have been around for decades. They come in a wide range of styles, including traditional, farmhouse (often rustic), mid-century modern, and more. If you’re looking for a piece that will fit seamlessly into your existing decor, a coffee table may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more contemporary, there are plenty of modern coffee table designs to choose from as well.

Ottoman tables are designed to be both functional and comfortable. They typically have a soft top that can be used as a footrest or extra seating, as well as a flat surface that can be used as a table. If you’re looking for a piece of furniture that can do double duty in your space, an ottoman table may be the way to go.


Coffee tables are typically made from a variety of materials, including wood, glass, metal, and more. Each material has its own unique look and feel, so it’s important to choose one that complements your existing decor. For example, a wooden coffee table may work well in a space with traditional or rustic decor, while a glass or metal coffee table may be a better fit for a more modern space.

Ottoman tables come in a wide range of upholstery options, including leather, fabric, and tufted designs. This allows you to choose a piece that fits your personal style and complements your existing decor. For example, a leather ottoman table may work well in a space with traditional or rustic decor, while a fabric or tufted ottoman table may be a better fit for a more modern space.

Shapes and sizes

Coffee tables come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from rectangular to round to oval and more. The size and shape you choose will depend on the size of your space and the other furniture in the room. For example, a large sectional sofa may require a larger coffee table, while a smaller loveseat may only need a small round table.

Ottoman tables come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from square to circular and more. This makes them a versatile piece of furniture that can work in a variety of spaces. For example, a square ottoman table may work well in a smaller space, while a circular ottoman table may be a better fit for a larger space.

Practical Considerations

When selecting a coffee table or ottoman table, there are several practical considerations to remember. Here are some factors to weigh in before finalizing your choice:


Coffee tables are primarily used for placing items such as drinks, books, and magazines. They are typically made of wood, glass, or metal and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some coffee tables also have additional features such as shelves or drawers for storage.

Ottoman tables, on the other hand, are more versatile. They can be used as seating, storage, and a surface for placing items. They are typically upholstered and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some ottoman tables also have additional features such as hidden storage compartments or reversible lids that can be used as a tray.


When it comes to space, coffee tables are generally better suited for larger living spaces. Ottoman tables, on the other hand, are more versatile and can work well in both small and large spaces. If you have a small living room, an ottoman table can serve as a coffee table and extra seating when needed.

When placing a coffee table, it should be centered in front of the sofa and at a height that is level with the seat cushions. Ottoman tables can be placed in front of the sofa or off to the side as an accent piece. They can also be used as a coffee table when paired with a tray.


Coffee tables made of wood, glass, or metal require different cleaning and care methods. For wood tables, use a soft cloth and avoid using harsh chemicals. For glass tables, use a glass cleaner and a soft cloth. For metal tables, use a metal cleaner and a soft cloth.

Upholstered ottoman tables require regular cleaning to maintain their appearance. Vacuum the surface of the ottoman regularly to remove dust and debris. For stains, use a fabric cleaner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


If you have children or pets, safety is a top priority. Coffee tables with sharp edges can be dangerous for young children, so it’s important to choose a table with rounded edges. Ottoman tables with storage compartments can also be a hazard if not properly secured.

While coffee tables with sharp edges can be dangerous for young children, ottoman tables with soft surfaces can also pose a risk. If you have young children, it’s important to choose an ottoman table with a sturdy base and a secure lid to prevent accidental injury.

Price and Longevity

When deciding on a “coffee table or ottoman table”, price and longevity play significant roles. Here’s a deep dive into the cost and durability of both table types.

Price Range

The price of a coffee table and an ottoman table can vary widely depending on the material, brand, craftsmanship, and other factors. On average, a coffee table can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000 or more, while an ottoman table can range from $200 to $1,500 or more.

The material, brand, craftsmanship, and other factors can all affect the price of a coffee table or an ottoman table. For example, a coffee table made of solid wood may cost more than one made of particleboard or MDF. Similarly, a well-known brand may charge more for their products than a lesser-known brand. The craftsmanship and design of the table can also impact the price.

Durability and Longevity

When it comes to durability and longevity, a coffee table and an ottoman table can both last for many years with proper care. However, a coffee table may be more susceptible to wear and tear over time, especially if it’s used for eating, drinking, or other activities.

The wear and tear on a coffee table or ottoman table can be influenced by several factors, including the material, design, and usage. For example, a coffee table with a glass top may be more prone to scratches than one with a wooden top. An ottoman table with a fabric cover may be more susceptible to stains than one with a leather cover.

Choosing the Right Table for Your Space

When picking between a coffee table or ottoman table, several considerations come into play. Keep these factors in mind to choose the right table for your space.

Assessing Your Space

Before you start shopping for a table, take a good look at your living room. Consider the size and shape of the room, as well as the other furniture you have. You’ll want to choose a table that fits well with the rest of your decor and doesn’t overcrowd the space.

Measure the area where you plan to place the table to ensure you choose a size that works well. If you have a small living room, you may want to consider a smaller table or even an ottoman that can double as extra seating.

Identifying Your Needs

Think about how you plan to use the table. Do you need a surface for drinks and snacks while watching TV, or do you want a table that can also provide storage? If you have young children, you may want to choose a table with rounded edges to prevent injuries.

If you frequently entertain guests, consider a table that can easily be moved around the room. An ottoman table with wheels can be a great option for this.

Consider Your Style

Finally, consider your personal style and the overall look of your living room, when asking yourself “coffee table or ottoman”. Do you prefer a traditional or modern look? Do you want a table that makes a statement or one that blends in with the rest of your decor? A coffee table with a glass top can give a room a modern feel, while a wooden table can create a more traditional look. An ottoman table can add a cozy touch to a room and can be a great option if you have a lot of upholstered furniture.



No matter whether you choose a traditional coffee table or an ottoman. You always have the opportunity to personalize your table according to your own style. For example, with a coffee table tray or matching a season, like fall. So no matter which decision you make: decorating is always possible!

My Personal Opinion – Coffee Table Or Ottoman

As I’m sure you can guess, there is no right or wrong when it comes to the question “coffee table or ottoman”. It always depends on what your own needs are. Which design fits with the rest of your living room? What is your budget? What functionalities do you want? And so on…

Personally, I think that an ottoman is rarely used but still not out of fashion. It’s at the same time a great way to showcase a statement piece in your living room and add personality.

Well, and a coffee table? You definitely can’t go wrong with that and now there are so many different designs that you can make a statement with it too. Even if you have a somewhat normal-looking coffee table, there are plenty of ways to refinish your existing coffee table and create a unique design.

💡Background Information

Why Is It Called a Coffee Table?

Interestingly, by the way, the ottoman is one of the reasons why we call the coffee table today, coffee table. In the Ottoman era, people assembled around wooden and brass tables, enjoying their coffee and company. These social spots were termed “coffee gardens”. And that’s just one reason, why we call it a coffee table.

FAQ – Coffee Table Or Ottoman

Is it better to have a Coffee table or Ottoman?

It depends on your needs and preferences. A coffee table is a classic choice that provides a sturdy surface for drinks, snacks, and decor. On the other hand, an ottoman can serve as a versatile piece of furniture that can function as both a coffee table and extra seating.

Do people use ottomans as coffee tables?

Yes, many people use ottomans as coffee tables. They can be a stylish and functional alternative to traditional coffee tables. It’s best to choose an ottoman with a flat surface or a tray to ensure stability and prevent spills.

Are Ottomans outdated?

No, ottomans are not outdated. In fact, they are becoming increasingly popular as versatile and stylish pieces of furniture. With a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials available, ottomans can be incorporated into any decor style.

What’s the point of an ottoman?

The point of an ottoman is to provide a versatile piece of furniture that can serve multiple purposes. It can function as a footrest, extra seating, or even a coffee table with the addition of a tray.

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Wadim Urbanowitsch

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